It is always my birthday

Whenever I like something it is always my birthday.
And I like a lot. My friends know this and let me be. Great friends.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Charity Quilt

I found these red and white  #12 inch sashing strips last week in my attempt to organize my sewing room. I had done them last year  for a charity quilt but did not use them on the quilt, so I put them away. 

Than I got the idea to use my blue scraps and make  a # 12 inch block to go with them , and make a quick charity quilt  for the Homecoming Foundation here in Washington since the 4th of July is coming up. 

I will schow you what the top looks like as soon as I buy some border fabric and get it sewn together  .

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Picture

Longmire, Mt. Rainier National Park.
Let's see if Susanne and Frauke have a picture for you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Three quilts done on my new long arm

This baby quilt was my first quilt done on my new machine.
Dieser Babyquilt war der erste Quilt den ich auf meiner neuen Maschine gequiltet hatte.

This was the second one, and it is so heavy my son will have to come and get it in person.
Hier der zweite, und der ist so schwer das mein Sohn ihn persoenlich abholen muss.

This is the third one, and all the blocks are my 50th birthday blocks and some wish blocks from my friends back in Germany. I call this my doodle quilt because I just played on it with the long arm , and it was fun to do. 
Hier der dritte, und das sind Geburtstags Bloecke zum 50zigsten Geburtstag und Wuenschbloecke von Freunden in Deutschland . Ich nenne ihn mein doodle Quilt, da ich so herum gespielt habe auf der neuen Maschine und das so Spass gemacht hat.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Picture

Utility box in Boise , Idaho
Elektrische Kabel und Telefon Box in Boise, Idaho.
Let's see if Susanne has a picture for you. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ready for the summer?

I am very optimistic that summer will eventually get to my neck of the woods. We have a slight slope in the back yard, and when it raines it pools right here.
Ich bin in der Hoffnung das der Sommer auch zu uns kommt. Jedesmal wenn es regnet steht das Wasser hier hinten auf dem Rasen. 
So we hired Tim and his crew to drain it away form the house, and at the same time extent out cement slab the length of the house.
Jetzt haben wir Tim und seine Mannschaft angeheuert um das ganze abzuleiten, und zur gleichen Zeit unser Patio zu vergroessern.

They started yesterday. We are having the excisting patio widened at the same time.
Gestern haben sie angefangen. Zur gleichen Zeit machen wir das alte Patio etwas breiter.I

I got me some pea gravel at this time for the front yard, to discourage the weeds from growing.
Ich habe mir Erbsen Geroell bestellt, das kommt ueber das Plastik damit das Unkraut nicht so schnell waechst.

And some egg sized gravel for the side part of the house.
Und  etwas groessere Steine fuer an die Seite.

This is what I want to prevent in the future, to many weeds for me.
Das will ich verhintern, viel zu viele weeds.

I am hoping to get this done and than plant some Rhody's right here, and some other shrubs. So check back with me in a few weeks, and see how it turned out. I hope it will the way I have it planned.
Ich hoffe das es so klappt wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe , du kannst ja in ein paar Wochen noch mal herein schauen.
Can some one tell me what a Patio is on German? 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Quilting my first big quilt on my long arm machine

I am working on this quilt today, it is my sons in Alaska. He wanted it super long and super warm. The backing fabric is blue minkee, and I am using this super heavy thick batting. This quilt will hold you hostage when you lay under it, but it will keep my son warm in the cold Alaska winter nights. 
Heute quilte ich diesen Quilt fuer meinen Sohn in Alaska. Er wollte es unendlich lang und super warm. The Rueckstoff ist ein blaues Minkee, und innen ein ganz dickes schweres Flies . Dieser Quilt haelt dich gefangen wenn mann darunter liegt, er wird so schwer. Aber mein Sohn wird warm haben in der Alaska Kaelte im Winter. 

I am only doing a meander with some leaves on it, and when I forget the stem it is a heart. I hope he likes it. 
Ich mache nur ein Meander mit Blaettern , und wenn ich den Stiel vergesse wird es halt ein Herz. Ich hoffe es gefaellt ihm. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sunday Picture

Glass objects  ( artist Dale Chihuly ) ,  Tacoma's bridge of glass. 
Let's see if Frauke and Susanne have a picture for you.