It is always my birthday

Whenever I like something it is always my birthday.
And I like a lot. My friends know this and let me be. Great friends.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wonderful orange Blosssoms

Last year for my birthday I received this little orange tree. It is now on my balcony and covered with white blossom that have the most amazing smell. I wish you could stick your nose in it, it smells that wonderful.

Letztes Jahr zum Geburtsttag hatte ich diesen kleinen Orangebaum geschenkt bekommen. Er steht auf meine Balcon und hat jetzt so viele weisse Blueten und duftet. Ich wuenschte ihr koenntet die Nase hinein stecken, der riecht so gut.

1 comment:

Corinnea said...

I am trying hard to grow some citrus trees! They do smell so very good.