It is always my birthday

Whenever I like something it is always my birthday.
And I like a lot. My friends know this and let me be. Great friends.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Aren't they nice?

Our quilt guild has a challenging BOM every month. This is this month block, and can you believe these are my very first New York Beauties? Wish me luck, I would like to win all the blocks that were made by our members. Isn't my birthday coming up anyway?

Unsere quilt Gilde macht jeden Monat einen etwas komplizierteren BOM, und diese hier ist fuer diesesn Monat. Koennt ihr euch vostellen das die hier meine erste NYB's sind? Ich wuerde so gerne alle Bloecke  die von den Mitglieder gemacht worden sind gewinnen. Habe ich nicht bald Geburtstag?


Corinnea said...

Oh you sneaky thing starting a blog and not telling me!! Your NY beauties are in fact beautiful!
Miss ya!

Claudis Nähfüßchen said...

They are beautiful, perfect! You have a new member!
Best wishes and happy quiltng!