It is always my birthday

Whenever I like something it is always my birthday.
And I like a lot. My friends know this and let me be. Great friends.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I am a basket nut.

I think one can never have enough baskets. I wished I had this one, it is colorful and huge. It stands taller than my knees. It would hold a lot of fabrics.
Ich denke mann kann nie genuegend Koerbe haben. Ich wuenschte ich haette diesen Korb, er ist so schoen bunt und gross. Der ist groesser als meine Knie. Da wuerde viel Stoff hinein passen.


Liselotte said...

You will need the book Sewing Pottery by Machine by Barbara Warholic - and if I may say so - lots and lots of patience LOL

Sabine said...

Oh ja, der gefällt mir auch. Wo gibt es den?

Corinnea said...

So it's not yours why??? Very pretty!

Tina said...

I am not sure why it is not in my sewing room. I need to work on my whining, lol!