Well, they are done. Now I need to set them on point and sew them together with black side triangles and corner triangles.
The little squares are done on paper with left over orange, red and yellow strips Bonnie Hunter style. I love her website, go check it out ( Quiltville.com ) , and I will add them to the border which is mainly black with whatever leftover red, orange and yellow design I can come up with. Hope my sister will like it.
So weit bin ich jetzt, alle Bloeckle sind fertig. Jetzt darf ich sie zusammen naehen mit schwarzen Seiten und Ecken Dreiecken. Die kleinen Stuecke sind mit uebrig gebliebenen orangen, roten und gelben Streifen genaeht nach Bonnie Hunters Stil ( Ich liebe ihre Webseite, quiltville.com ) , und die kommen in die Borduere mit schwarzem Stoff und was sonst noch da ist mit Rest Stoffen und was mir dann so einfaellt. Ich hoffe meiner Schwester gefaellt es.
Yum, I like string blocks in color even more than the Roll Roll Cotton Boll strings, made of light shades.
I'm going to write your sister and tell her it's infested with an evil virus, to which I am immune, so you can give it to me.
Great idea, Karen, almost as good as "it's my birthday coming up" that the lovely blogowner uses ;-)) But guess what??? I'm immune to that evil virus, too !!!
It must have been an awful virus if the two of you are immune to it. Did you both get shots?
You girls are funny! I can't wait to see this finished!
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